Security Center

Report Fraud Contact Us

Stay in the know. Stay in control.

If you suspect fraud activity, please contact our Fraud Detection Services outlined below. 

MECU will never...

  • contact you by phone, email, 或者发短信询问你的账号, 亚洲博彩平台排名识别号码(PIN), 社会安全号码或任何亚洲博彩平台排名信息. When you call us directly, 我们只会要求您提供这些信息以验证您的身份.
  • 告诉你从自动柜员机里取钱再寄到别的地方.
  • 告诉您通过CashApp, Zelle®或任何支付解决方案向我们汇款.

How do identity thieves operate?

Phishers pretend to be financial institutions or legitimate companies and send spam emails or pop-up messages to get you to reveal your personal information.
Scammers pretend to be legitimate businesses or government agencies when they contact financial institutions or other organizations to get your financial information.
Skimmers insert illegal electronic devices into ATMs or electronic payment terminals in order to steal debit and credit card numbers.
Quishing, also known as QR code phishing, 包括欺骗某人用手机扫描二维码. The QR code then takes the user to a fraudulent website that might download malware or ask for sensitive information.
Identity spoofing occurs when a scammer assumes the identity of another person/entity and uses that identity to commit fraud. Spoofers steal credentials from people or businesses through password attacks and credential capture processes.
Lawbreakers rummage through trash, 查找账单或其他包含亚洲博彩平台排名和财务信息的文件.
人们把你的账单转移到另一个地方通过填写一个美国.S. 邮政地址更改表格.
Criminals steal wallets and purses; mail, including bank and credit card statements; pre-approved credit offers; and new checks or tax information. 他们还拿走人事记录或贿赂有权限的员工.
You might receive a call or text from an individual posing as a grandchild or dear one, 紧急请求财政援助. These scammers manipulate caller ID information to make the call seem like it's coming from a trusted contact. Furthermore, these fraudsters leverage artificial intelligence technology to replicate the voices of loved ones, 目的是欺骗你,让你相信他们真的需要帮助.
You get an email purportedly from a vendor, asking you to transfer funds to a different account. 虽然邮件看起来是真的, it may be a deceptive communication from a fraudster who has gained unauthorized access to your vendor's network.
一个骗子指示你购买礼品卡, 例如Google Play™或Apple®礼品卡, 把信用卡背面的卡号给他们. 不管他们怎么说,这都是骗局. Legitimate businesses or government agencies will never ask you to use a gift card for payment. 如果你怀疑自己是这种骗局的受害者, even if it occurred some time ago, 向相应的礼品卡公司报告是至关重要的.
If someone from MECU or another financial institution reaches out to you concerning alleged fraudulent activity on your account and requests a money transfer or payment redirection, exercise caution. If uncertain, end all communication with the potential scammer and contact the phone number provided on the back of your debit or credit card for verification.
Criminals can install stealth software on your computer that lets them steal your identity and do other damage. (Learn what spyware is如何判断它是否在你的电脑上,摆脱它,完全避免它.) 
犯罪分子有时会使用恶意软件——包括病毒——进入你的电脑, steal information, send spam, and commit fraud. (Learn the signs of malware and how to get rid of it.)

Where should you report fraud?

Domestic Calls
International Calls
MECU Visa® Debit Card or Credit Card
丢失/被盗的MECU Visa®借记卡或信用卡
Identity Theft and Other Fraud  
MECU Visa®信用卡余额转账 866-820-3867  


Need a different number? Take a look at our MECU Visa Cardholder Reference Guide.



Change your password frequently and use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
Report fraud as soon as it happens.


  • MECU短信诈骗警报是免费的,将来自 494-47. Please save this number in your contacts with a name you will recognize for future alerts.
  • We recommend "MECU Fraud Alerts." The fraud alert messages sent from this number will also be labeled with MECU's name.


SMS Response Options

  • “是”响应确认购买,不需要进一步的操作.
  • “否”的回答拒绝购买。. Your card will be  blocked until you call Fraud Detection.


Cybercriminals are targeting victims by sending text messages with what appear to be credit union fraud alerts asking if the customer initiated an instant money transfer using digital payment applications (apps). 一旦受害者对警报做出反应, the cybercriminal then calls from a number which appears to match the financial institution's legitimate 1-800 support number. 以撤销假汇款为借口, victims are swindled into sending payment to bank accounts under the control of the cyber actors. 支付金额和金融机构名称因受害者而异. 如果客户回答“否”,则发送后续消息.

The above is a scam 短信制作模仿MECU信用社. 请保持警惕,不要成为网络罪犯的受害者.

Remember, MECU诈骗短信警报来自494-47.



每年有近900万美国人的身份被盗. It pays to educate yourself on how these crimes occur so you can take steps to prevent them.

Keep these tips in mind:

  • MECU or any reputable financial institution will never request peer-to-peer payments to address fraud activity.
  • Refrain from sending money to individuals claiming your account is compromised or threatening service termination.
  • If uncertain, conclude the call and contact MECU through authentic channels using the numbers on the back of your debit or credit cards.
  • Avoid using search engines to reach the MECU website; instead, use ultimate15.com或MECU移动应用程序进行帐户访问.
  • 立即报告任何可疑活动.

Fraud FAQs

Recognizing and Reporting Phishing Emails: If you receive an email that contains a link and/or an attachment from someone you do not recognize think before you click or open the attachment. 这可能是试图获取敏感信息或安装恶意软件/病毒. 
如果您怀疑支票丢失或被盗,您首先需要 contact us. If the check hasn't already been cashed, then you can request that they put a stop payment on it. It's a formal request that the check not be paid out by the bank if it's deposited or presented to be cashed.
在你的身份被盗后,恢复你的身份可能是一个压倒性的过程, but we're here for you. Your first step is to visit 在这里,您将开始报告和制定恢复计划的过程.
If you notice activity on your account indicating a transaction made by someone other than you or an authorized user of that account, call us immediately at 800-231-5262.
MECU will never contact you by phone, email or text message to ask for personal information. We will only ask you to provide this information to verify your identity when you call us directly.


在你的身份被盗后,恢复你的身份可能是一个压倒性的过程, but we're here for you. 你要做的第一步就是拨打800-231-5262. 在这里,您将开始报告和制定恢复计划的过程.